Looking over my 2014 shoulders

by cococam16

It’s kind of funny how we all mature. I say that because within the past 4 years of my life I have been writing a book and each time I read over past chapters, Im so surprised of my way of thinking. I wouldn’t say I completely disagree with the Courtney of 2012 or the Courtney from the summer of 2010, but its just surprising and interesting to see how I thought and what was most important to me. As I mature, I can respect some of Courtney’s view points of life, I take them with me to 2014 and sharpen them along the way. Enjoy these few exerts…

Reality stands as truth and if you fail to recognize the truth, you fail to move forward in life. I choose not to recognize reality at all; living by the standards of my purposeful naive thought process gets me nowhere right now, but it constitutes as happiness for myself. It’s very ignorant to disregard the reality of things and ignore the fact that my careless decisions today will effect my future, but when you truly embody this “yolo” way of life like I do, you loose sight of your destination, you only care about the road trip there.”

Love is the most intangibile, yet tangible feeling like ever out of every feeling or emotion you can have. If love is proclaimed to be true…I really feel that initial high can’t be reached again..at least not with another person.”