
life thru these heart shaped eyes ;) <3 <3

Month: December, 2012


I truly, honestly believe one can be addicted to a very “legal” high, that isn’t weed, cocaine, crack, heroine, acid, Molly, lean or any of that. It’s the high and thrill and racing of the heart that comes after one decides to live life according to the philosophy…. “you only live once” , “Carpe Diem” , or whatever you understand this idea to be.

I always believed in this theory, but after someone so close to me passed away, it became more of my determination and quest in life.

You only live once…not twice. You don’t have nine lives like a cat, you’re not a animal like a tiger or shark created with natural and physical defense mechanisms…you are not a superhero…you can’t withstand any and everything…when we die, we die and that’s all. I mean there is the life after life, which is heaven hopefully for me and I pray the same for you, but here on earth as we know it…uh won’t see it again….SO LIVE IT UP!

As responsibly as you can of course lol. That is my downfall…I live TOO hard sometimes. I have to work on that, but I can definitely say I have no regrets and no worries.

Carpe Diem! It’s Latin for “seize the day” I’ve been seizing it alright especially when I decided to get the phrase tattooed on my inner left arm 🙂 this phrase has been swimming…drowning…died and then buried in my head, my heart, and my soul since I was younger, attending private schools where i was first introduced to the Latin philosophy. I later gained more understanding with the aid of the movie “Dead Poet’s Society” starring Robin Williams as a professor. The theory carpe deim is something he wanted his students to embody through their writing, which would ultimately develop a freedom to express themselves.

With every decision I make in life, the phrase “YOLO!” or “Carpe Diem” runs through my head lol…literally! I said all that to finally say that with intentions of becoming a blonde today at the hair salon, a tiny mistake occurred in the coloring process and I now have blue hair!


I’m keeping it for a while!
You only live once and il only have blue hair once…promise


I rarely have an attentive eye to art, and by that I am referring to paintings, portraits, sculptures and etc. I tend to naturally have an abstract eye that can manipulate and find the art in people, situations, actions, clothes, objects and all that good stuff, which I think is a pretty cool trait to have.

However, there has been one piece of art that has caught my eye…literally. It’s a copy of a painting by Gustav Klimt entitled Wasserschlangen II: Water Serpent II and I was forced to purchase this piece while in Ikea minding my own business when the eyes of the main female in the painting was staring at me!

I tried to awkwardly ignore the intent stare she gave me by wandering around the hanging wall art section (which I usually find interest in photographs of major cities…their so captivating, motivating and intricate). But her stare was oddly interesting and I became curious in what she wanted to say. So similar to being victimized under a spell of some sort, I unselfconsciously walked to the area where painting hung and listened to what the female had to say.

Her eyes wore vulnerability, femininity, fear, yet a weird form of confidence, sexiness, curiosity, wonder and comfort. The painting has so much other attractive cluttering surrounding the female whom lies in some sort of sphere completely relaxed and chill, which I find to be one of the coolest intricacies.

I bought it! Well…we bought it…me and my roommate bought it…the female in the painting hypnotized her too. It’s been about a year and half since the painting has hung above our couch in the living room. Our living room lacks traditional decoration and homey-ness, but it is all made up for with Gustav Klimt Water Serpent II. It is inviting, welcoming, and adds color and liveliness.

I’ve never appreciated a piece of art more and its not because of what it does for my
Iiving room, it’s what it does to me every time I look at…I get chills! It helps me understand that art is whatever you interpret it to be. And for me, pertaining to this particular piece, that is HOPE, COMPASSION and DESIRE…her eyes says it all…it’s motivating.

I don’t know what inspired me to share this, especially having it for a while…why all of a sudden? Maybe it’s just because I’ve been paying closer attention to it lately and hers were talking to me…



I’ve come to the conclusion that my rebellion stage that is destined for your teenage years, approached me a little late. I choose to stay up late when I know I have to be up at 6 a.m. For something..I choose to wait til the last minute to finish something bc I wanna see what I can come up with last minute…I choose not to eat sometimes because I wanna know what it feels like to starve… I choose to speed because I wanna see if a cop can catch me.. I choose to not look at price tags when shopping bc I wanna see if it will go thru on my card… I choose to eat dessert for breakfast..I choose to make 4a.m. My bedtime..I choose to never regret a single thing I do… I choose to be unorthodox without reason… Life is funnier that way..I promise it is. I choose to live like today was the day I died.. If I die i wanna go out with a BANG! Forget that everything matters..bc nothing does except for you and life which you u can form in any shape…mine is a star because I’m a rockstar! Excuse me while I rock out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
