I feel very intertwined with tupac sometimes because we share the same birthday of June 16th lol, but I have an even greater connection with his famous phrase”THUG LIFE”, which can be easily misinterpreted, but has such a deep meaning. Thug life defined by tupac refers to a person who circumstances aren’t the best, but in spite of it all perseveres with their head up. It touched me to hear his testimony and explanation of the phrase especially coming from such an iconic rapper. After watching his resurrection documentary in 2009, I immediately felt like the phrase applied to me. Things weren’t always the best growing up and I can remember my mom saying “you may not have what anyone else has or be living as comfortable as them, but you hold your head up and carry yourself like a young women that does have what they have!” And I did just that, always did….to the point that if I told you abt my home life and how i was raised, you wouldnt believe me. I like the mysterious and devious representation of the phrase…you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover…huh? It tricked ya lol bet you thought it really meant living life a gangster and being hard in the hood! Lmao but that’s the fun part abt the phrase lol…anybody that’s had a hard life, but pushes through like a G, is technically a thug!