
life thru these heart shaped eyes ;) <3 <3

Month: January, 2013

Hopeful Thursday

You will always look for the aid of God in a time of trouble …when your going through trials and tribulations. it’s natural. Who else can you call on? This is when hope and faith for a blessing or miracle is expected, but what about when everything is going perfect? …when life is going good when you receive a blessing? Yea most people will remain thankful during this period but has it ever crossed your mind to seek God then?

I almost think that’s when it’s most important…because its how your good can become better…and your great becomes greater. Don’t just rely on God when you need His help to pull you out of mess, rely and seek him when blessing are flowing him…to keep you on track…to keep them flowing and direction on what He wants you to do for his kingdom and the next steps there after. There is no limit…no cap to what He can do.

I contemplate on this as I received good news of a job offering. I’m excited. I am eager for this new experience. I thank God for the opportunity, but immediately I seek Him. I especially want a good and clear medium to hear from Him so I will continue to make good decisions with this opportunity and be directed into the path that He has destined for me. Never before have I took so much caution with something, what gets me to thinking that this opportunity may be something amazing and may open other doors for myself. I will continue to have hope and faith in God as I move forward with this..that I will succeed…that favor will constitute the whole ordeal.


Romans 8:24-25

I don’t know what’s about to happen, but I hope it’s just fabulous…I cant see it or sense it in any way but i have faith in the fabulosity to come hahahahah

Confession of my new obsession

Finding the art in the obvious is obvious and boring, but finding the art in the unthinkable is fun and challenging and lets just say I like the challenge.

Lately ive been paying closer attention to my face: it’s flattering features…it’s less flattering features…the best complimentary accessories or colors, but keeping in mind trending fashions or new make-up trends. Its my new quest/project. Each day waking up to this very inspirational green/blue hair helps pave the way to all the possibilities. I’ve takin so much joy and interest into this that getting ready has prolonged itself and frequently has me late, but it’s worth it after taking a glance in a mirror and seeing the reflection of awesome artwork.

This all roots from the enjoyment and passion I have with with styling. Im learning it goes beyond clothes for me. I never ventured outside of that to the extent that I knew I could. Just when I started to get bored, I caught this round canvas starring back at me (my head/face)like hellooooooo!?!? “HI!” I responded lol. As if I’ve never seen her before lol

*Hair accessories like Scarves, bandanas, bows, hats are some of my fav.
*Make up! And I’m not referring to the coverage products (although those are cool) I’m referring to eye shadow placement and color, eyeliner tricks (not wearing it the same way everyday), unordinary lip color (which is a new beauty trend).
*jewelry- bigger pieces especially neck pieces…cool unusual pieces…don’t play it safe…choose one stand out piece and work everything else around it.
*fingernail Polish- I usually skip over this one, because I work as a server and constantly using my hands. polish won’t even last a day, but the new trend in nail art and cool new colors adds a pop of surprise to your look of the day…it’s not something that’s noticed off bat, but once its spotted…the eye appreciates it!

Everyday you can create a new piece of art just by recognizing and playing up features you never paid attention to….it sounds a little weird but honestly…take a look in the mirror and you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about.
