When I write

I hate writing…I really do. Although I try my hardest to stray away from it, it follows me..it’s followed me from the age of four to this very moment as I vigorously type away on my phone. Writing was my first paying job…it was the first thing I ever made profit off of…I guess you could say I was a young entrepreneur. I sold my writings to friends, family and members of my church back in the day lol and they supported!

I guess the reason why I hate it so much is bc I take it very seriously. Anything I’m passionate about, I’m easily overwhelmed with emotion…my heart flutters, tears swell, breath is shortened…I guess it can be considered a small anxiety attack…and that’s just plain weird to be experiencing while writing. So I stick to trivial writing for the most part…evoking no emotion but never short changed when it comes to style.

Until recently, I just finished a piece that I am very proud of…where I tapped into emotion and I must say the end result is amazing! And I remember last night while typing away, my finger tips were literally tingling! Lol it was a rush, a high that I crave a little more often now…this could be the start of something great!

Be on the look out for this amazing piece that I will be posting next month….FASHION v RELIGION!
